Aspiring editors will have the chance to mingle with Hollywood’s top editors. EditFest NY kicks off at the DGA theater on June 11 & 12. Learn more about the popular series.
EditFest NY, the east coast version of American Cinema Editor's successful EditFest series, (launched last June at The Director's Guild Theater in Manhattan) is returning June 11-12, 2010. EditFestNY is presented by American Cinema Editors (ACE) and Manhattan Edit Workshop (Mewshop). Over the course of the weekend, EditFestNY will present some of the best known and highly regarded east coast film editors who turned out to mingle, mentor, and present. Last year’s event kicked off with an industry insider's view of how to break into the editing business. The panel was followed by an opening night gala, a wall-to-wall party where panelists from every EditFest NY panel mingled with rapt attendees. The second day of panels of editors from genres including television, documentary, comedy and feature films. To see videos of last year’s event click here.
This years event is going to be even bigger and better. Over two tightly-programmed days, attendees – including professional editors, production executives, network and studio staff, fledgling assistants and content creators – will participate in sharply planned, targeted panels and extensive Q&A sessions. They'll listen to, learn from and engage with the most respected, award winning editors of feature films and television. Attendees, VIPs, sponsors and panelists will also mingle at the highly anticipated opening night reception.
Dates: June 11 – 12, 2010
Location: Director’s Guild of America Theater @ W57th Street
Cost: $349 per person – $249 for students, members of partner organizations, Mewshop Six Week Alumni and EditFest previous attendees. Group rates available (call for details).
To Register Click Here.
For Sponsorship Opportunities Click Here.
Friday June 11, 2010:
7:15pm -9:00pm Opening Night Panel The Lean Forward Moment
Feature film editors discuss influential scenes from their favorite films. Moderated by Norman Hollyn (Editor, Author and Head of USC Editing Track).
9:00pm – 11:00pm Cocktail Party
Network with industry pros and colleagues.
Saturday June 12, 2010
10:00am – 11:45am The Documentary Edit: Finding the Moment
Documentary editors discuss writing with images. Moderated by Lillian Benson, ACE (ACE Board Member and Documentary Editor)
12:00pm – 1:00pm Anatomy of a Scene With Alan Heim
Get in the editing room with Alan Heim (former ACE president and Oscar™ winning editor) as he deconstructs scenes from his legendary body of work. Moderated by Bobbie O’Steen (author The Invisible Cut).
2:15pm – 3:30pm Cutting Yourself Out of a Corner
Editors discuss their many problem solving experiences. Moderated by Josh Apter (editor and owner of Manhattan Edit Workshop)
3:45pm – 5:15pm Avatar: The Big Picture
Steve Rivkin and John Refoua, editors of the Oscar™ winning film Avatar, lead an in depth discussion of their groundbreaking process. Moderated by Vincent LoBrutto (Author, Editor, Instructor at SVA)
6:00pm – 8:00pm Pizza And Beer
Network with industry pros and colleagues.
Panelists and Participants:
Confirmed panelists* (as of May 24, 2010)
Michael Berenbaum, A.C.E. (Sex and the City I & II) Emmy™ Winner
Geof Bartz, A.C.E. (Pumping Iron, Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth) Emmy™ Winner
Milton Ginsberg, A.C.E. (Fidel, Meat Loaf: To Hell and Back)
Alan Heim, A.C.E. (All That Jazz, Network, American History X) Oscar™ Winner
Norman Hollyn, (Heathers, Author of The Film Editing Handbook)
Joe Klotz, A.C.E. (Precious, Junebug) Oscar™ Nominated
Mark Livolsi, A.C.E. (The Blind Side, Wedding Crashers, The Devil Wears Prada)
Andrew Mondshein, A.C.E. (Remember Me, Chocolat, The Sixth Sense) Oscar™ Nominated
Susan Morse, A.C.E. (Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters) Oscar™ Nominated
Sabrina Plisco, A.C.E. (Charlotte's Web, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow)
Geoffrey Richman, A.C.E. (The Cove, Sicko)
Steven Rivkin, A.C.E. (Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean I,II & III, Ali, My Cousin Vinny) Oscar™ Nominated
John Refoua, A.C.E. (Avatar, Balls of Fury, CSI Miami) Oscar™ Nominated
Randy Roberts, A.C.E. (Law & Order, SVU) Emmy™ Nominated
David Ian Salter A.C.E. (Finding Nemo, Toy Story 2)
Thelma Schoonmaker, A.C.E. (Goodfellas, Raging Bull, The Departed) Oscar™ Winner
Allan Title (Dog The Bounty Hunter, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy)
Jean Tsien (The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World, Shut Up & Sing)
Andrew Weisblum (Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Wrestler)
Jeffrey Wolf, A.C.E. (First Sunday, Billy Madison)
*Panelists are subject to change based on availability.

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