TMZ.com reports Johnston signed a reality TV deal over the weekend, just days after Bristol Palin said she broke off their engagement over his thirst for the limelight.
The new show will shoot first in Los Angeles and then head back to Alaska, TMZ reported. It's not yet clear what the format will be, but several networks are reportedly interested.
The on-again off-again high school sweethearts shocked family and friends last month with an US Magazine cover announcing their engagement after a long period of estrangement.
The rekindled romance was short-lived, falling apart shortly after the National Enquirer reported that Johnston's ex-girlfriend, Lanesia Garcia, was pregnant.
Lanesia claims that Levi is not the father, but Bristol told People.com that Johnston had "no remorse" after he admitted the dalliance and possible pregnancy the very same day they announced their secret wedding plans with splashy photos featuring their 20-month-old son, Tripp.
"The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family," Bristol told People.com in a tearful interview. "He's just obsessed with the limelight, and I got played."
Levi, meanwhile, attended the Teen Choice Awards in Los Angeles Sunday with Brittani Senser, the singer behind the video in which he'll co-star.
The video, reportedly shooting this week, is about two lovers driven apart by the woman's meddling mother.
"The ring's off, but we're friends," Johnston told People.com at the event, referring to Bristol.
"You know, it's tough," he said of the break-up. "It's not something that I wanted, but life goes on."
GV Says: Wow...this is horrible.
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